Friday 20 March 2009

Paula Scher

I found Paula Scher by finding her book "make it Bigger' it the library. I have seen some of her work before, such as her detailed and illustrated drawings of American States. I was really impressed by these as the captured every town in typography and some how managed to fit it on it the correct place where each town is. 

I found out later the Paula Scher works for Pentagram in New York. But i find Paula Scher earlier work interests me more. I feel her typography is very exciting. I feel her work make the piece actually feel alive. I really like her work she did for The Public Theater. I feel this work has a major influence from the Afro-American culture. I feel the type in this piece is like music and is coming off the page. 

I also found a quote from the book 'Make it Bigger' by Paula Scher. I was really interested in the layout. 

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